Now what I have to do is to chill at home waiting for my salary collecting days ;)
The bad news is I have to go back there 3 times separately to collect basic salary,service point pay and tips respectively.
Last Tuesday which is 3rd day of Hari Raya celebration, me, Mel, Shi Hooi, Zi Long, Siew Fai and Jing Hooi went outing in Mid Valley.
Supposedly the outing is on Monday, thanks to Zi Long forgetful mind that he not even in Kl on that day itself. Anyway, he tried his best to come back on Monday night for the Tuesday outing. Found a reason forgiving him then.
The program of the day start with the usual kara-ok session in Red Box @ The Gardens. Faithfully our friend doesn't late for the day, which is quite surprising me. :P
Zi Long bring along his 2 friends, Siew Fai and Jing Hooi for the outing. Nice to meet them on that day. Siew Fai is actually my course mate in Sunway Uni College while Jing Hooi is from Taylor College.
After the kara-ok session, we headed GSC in Mid Valley to buy the movie tickets. We couldn't make up our mind for which movie, but in the end of the day The Ugly Truth was selected due to the schedule and seats available.
After the tickets were purchased, we went to Zun Kitchen, from Yu Yan Sang for our lunch. Throughout the lunch session, Siew Fai and Jing Hooi sneak a lot of information of Zi Long from us surprising them the Ugly Truth of Zi Long. Kakax... Evil us :P
The days continue with some light shopping and final chill up at Shi Lin Stall before the movie screening. Here's some pictures took on that day....