Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bloody Hell Stupid TNB

I just came back to AS for 4 days, here comes TNB welcome me by electricity cut-off twice in 24 hours!

Damn stupid TNB cut off the electric at 1am last night, I call out the hot line and they told me Jalan Lencong Barat, Jalan Tunku Bendahara and Jalan Alor Mengkudu(my area) having technical failure. They claim that their technician is on the way to repair it. They need around 24 hours to repair it! What the hell!! How to sleep without a cooling environment?!! F*cking ass hole TNB. The electric just recover around 4.30am...OMG! I facing a difficult time to sleep the whole night!

Then just now in the morning 10am++, electricity cut-off again What the hell TNB ?! I call out the hot line again, then they told me that they have to fix the cabling now, another 2-3 hours needed. I been sweating for the night, and they make me sweat again in the morning. Celaka TNB!

Is just because TNB monopoly power supplying, so you can provide a bad service to consumer? Government should really consider opening the market to more competitors so that TNB shall really consider about their current bad services!

*TNB = Tenaga National Berhad