Sorry for the postpone of this post,I'm gonna blog about violence act of Girl now....
In ancient age, girl are supposed to be soft,gentle and caring.( I don't mean that they must act in this way now). However, we easily found out that girls had become more violence x10 than it should be in this 21th century.
Girls claim that guys are the main cause of the evolution, but do you think so?....
Let see some example first....
After you watch this video, do you feel scary....
Can you see clearly the guy hand? In case not, I attach a photo below...

The Chinese saying , 黄蜂美后针,最毒美人心....
It simple means that the woman especially pretty lady have the most poisonous(cruel) heart
Girls/Lady claims that pinching,hitting,squeezing or even biting was their right. Guys have the obligation to accept without any 'paying back'?
If the guy hit the girl back, he will be say not a guy, hit girl.... Unfair!
Seriously I super damn not agree to it...
Who bite me like that, I still will slap her back! Even she is a girl....
The moment she bites, she wasn't a girl/lady in my mind dy!
A joke or even insult will cause guy a damn serious hurt like that?.... It's ridiculous lar
Lucky it dint happen on me lar :P
Second case.....
When a girl was insulted by the lecturer in the class, a particular guy add oil....Saying non-sense...
The girl shouted his name in class, and then she did this... See this video
Serve you right(that guy), you deserve this lar...... Don't piss off a girl (Moral of the studies)
I support the girls this time :)
I agree with girl to use the 'right' they meant when they feel they were threaten, but not just solely a simple joke......
Additional during piss-off time, the guy who kena will be said padan muka, coz they dunno principle of being a PEOPLE!
Additional evidence for the topic....
My friend was long-term bitten/tortureby a girl.......Pity him nia....
But I think he enjoy it ..kakax :P
Super final conclusion,
Don't make a girl/lady angry, you might mess up your life!