Saturday, August 22, 2009

Triple Celebration at 1 Moment!

First of all, I guess I have to apologise to some people for waiting this post...

My triple celebration refers to celebration of 3 peoples birthday at the same time :P

Chin Kian birthday was one day before Mel and Hesmond birthday. I guess you understand i meant Mel and Hesmond sharing birthday on the same date right :P

Well, the celebration was held in 3 separate place too. Firstly UTAR Setapak as all of them study in UTAR. Me again, sneak into the university pretending their student. Anyway,I'm ex-Utarian what....

Shi Hooi and Teng them planned some games for the birthday boys and girl. The whole session were recorded in video. However it's too huge to upload it here. Just let you know how horrible the game was, they were actually force to finish slice of cake on the toilet bowl. OMG, luckily they dint vomit out what they had earlier on...

Well, second scene came.... We have the dinner celebration in a cafe near Prima Setapak. Sorry that I can't remember the name of the cafe. Anyway,it's not remarkable what and I wouldn't recommend for food place :P

Well, the cat roars.....Miaoz.....

Some of them didn't join us for the dinner as they having work shop on that day, the reason I gave to guard to sneak in UTAR :P

Well, this is 3d bear puzzle present from Nemo and Kock Li to Mel. We took hours to set it up...

The not remarkable food from the cafe. The only speciality I think is that their cappuccino has strong honeydew taste compared to coffee . I really dunno how to describe it...

Following on we shifted to Mel house and I tricked her somehow with the present I gifted her :P True or dare is the game we never missed every birthday celebration. The difference this time was no liqueur involved,sad case right. So who wanna sponsor me liqueur are most welcome :)

Practically the game turn into true sharing story and we burst into laughter from Kock Li personal story. Damn cunn lar him, salute cukup cukup. Ask him yourself if you wanna know :0

This pictures is just to show all of you which read my previous post of Andy Lau thingy. His father in law funeral ceremony held yesterday morning and sent to be mourn. Can you see the crowded at the T-junction towards the right. I guess Andy Lau should be inside the crowd there...