Eager to know how I manage to get myself a free meal there?...
Let me provide you one idea here how to get a free fondue there....

I know somebody is scolding me for making them drooling :P
Its a very easy way to get yourself treated.....
First, plan out an event outings with your friend...
Secondly, make sure your friends not the super stingy type....
Thirdly, lets pray hard....
Pray hard for your friend to be late of ffk you!!
Once they are late, now you can sms your friend....
"You have to give me a treat for our lateness an absent"
Pray hard again.....
Wait for the reply from your friend and eventually he will say yes!!
When you and your friend bargain about the free meal....
Just say....
There are no terms and condition applied in your msg! Therefore we shall assume we are the decision maker!!! *Evil Laugh*

Finally, I provide you an example of friends which will give you a treat when she feel guilty to be late an hour!!

For those who didn't turn up during the outings....Too bad you all miss i out from our
Miss Shi Hooi!! Our big boss!!
heyyyy..is that...SHI HOOI!????
ReplyDeleteI was her secondary friend. classmate.
haha..hopefully she still remmeber me..
wah she so nice treat u all..hahhahaa
btw...i have nanged urs..can help me nang as well??
heyyyy..is that...SHI HOOI!????
ReplyDeleteI was her secondary friend. classmate.
haha..hopefully she still remmeber me..
wah she so nice treat u all..hahhahaa
btw...i have nanged urs..can help me nang as well??
ReplyDeleteya..she is Shi Hooi from sp..now study in Utar.....
Sure...no prob..nangz
ReplyDeleteya..she is Shi Hooi from sp..now study in Utar.....
Sure...no prob..nangz
haagen daaz not sell icecream wan meh, how come sell chocolate dippings? hahahhaa
ReplyDeletehaagen daaz not sell icecream wan meh, how come sell chocolate dippings? hahahhaa
ReplyDeletelol.thanks for sharing..a great idea indeed,.,I shall make full use of this "idea" :)))
ReplyDeletelol.thanks for sharing..a great idea indeed,.,I shall make full use of this "idea" :)))
ReplyDeleteThey do have fondue and other food rather than just ice cream lar....
WIsh you all the best upon successful of this idea...kakx..
ReplyDeleteThey do have fondue and other food rather than just ice cream lar....
WIsh you all the best upon successful of this idea...kakx..