Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Ever Embaressed Moment Situation!!

As everybody know, my exam finished on two days ago...
As usual, me as a king of Outingholic went out with my Utar friends....

What did I do on yesterday, I will write in tommorow post....

I think most of you come accross question regarding embaress moment you have in your life from your friends or some questionaire.
I never have a confirm answer for this question as I'm not teribly embaressed at any situation before...
But now I undergo such situation which I would like to share with all of you....

Anyway, we watched this movie 17 Again on yesterday.... What I'm gonna write today is not about the movie, but what happen in the cinema....
Yes, we did something super embaressed twice in GSC Midvalley yesterday night....

First case....

We actually went in the wrong cinema hall.....
How this happen.....

See the H08 and 2 there?

Ya..... I read it wrongly as Hall 8!!

We went in the cinema and we felt weird about the seating position. It looks super differently from the hall we bought. Then I recheck the tickets and found out I have mistaken the Hall no. Luckily we din't seat there till somebody came and ask us to leave...

Second case...

So we went to Hall 2.....

We sat down at our seats waiting the movie to begin....

It's 11.30pm yet the movie haven start. Almost 12am only the advertisement started. We were chatting while waiting fr the movie. We even said loudly GSC cheat our money,supposingly the movie start at 12am....

Here come a group of guys approached us. He told us that they bought the same row seat as us. In the end of the conversation,he ask us about the hall no. and eventually we told him it was Hall 2 here. They apolosied and leave the cinema hall.

5 minutes later, they were back with a employee of GSC. It's actually we are in Hall 1....OMG!! Super Duper embaress....The guy still appologise to us... We were late for half an hour for the movie at the time we entered the correct cinema hall......

Let me explain how all of us make the mistaken again......

Usually a cinema hall will have 2 entrance, left and right.....

Hall 1 Hall 2

1-8, 9-16 1-8, 9-16

So, our seat no. was H06-08 .....

We just read the No. seat row below and entered Hall 1 accidentally...

Phew....We just can't help ourself with the laughter after the movie.....Haha

* Please leave down your comment and share with me your ever embaress moment....:) *


  1. Lol!
    2 direct hits and combos from 2 groupies slash with a ticket!


    O.o what am I saying? o.O

    Funny Post!

  2. Lol!
    2 direct hits and combos from 2 groupies slash with a ticket!


    O.o what am I saying? o.O

    Funny Post!

  3. ahaha! gor u are soooo blurrr =P
    twice summore leh...
    funniest part: u told the guys they are in hall 2! =P

  4. ahaha! gor u are soooo blurrr =P
    twice summore leh...
    funniest part: u told the guys they are in hall 2! =P

  5. lol damn funny la u hahaaa...

  6. lol damn funny la u hahaaa...

  7. Chris....
    sad case right...we so embaress at that moment...

    yaya....somemore the guys appology to us =='''

    Haha....that incident reli make us funny

  8. Chris....
    sad case right...we so embaress at that moment...

    yaya....somemore the guys appology to us =='''

    Haha....that incident reli make us funny

  9. conclusion is =: y made a fool out of urself! hahha...

    no nid explain too much..

    hehe.. but must be real funny la.. hahaha

  10. conclusion is =: y made a fool out of urself! hahha...

    no nid explain too much..

    hehe.. but must be real funny la.. hahaha

  11. Teddy...
    thats coincident....haha

  12. Teddy...
    thats coincident....haha

  13. Hahahahah!!!

    Baka, but I did lot embarrassing stuff in my life too. Too much to list them out.

  14. Hahahahah!!!

    Baka, but I did lot embarrassing stuff in my life too. Too much to list them out.

  15. Leo...

    What to do....Blur blur...haha

  16. Leo...

    What to do....Blur blur...haha

  17. muahahha~ bro, u really reallty really ...careless+sotong-ish (blur) la!!! hehehhee..

    Remember no NEXT TIME hor..

  18. muahahha~ bro, u really reallty really ...careless+sotong-ish (blur) la!!! hehehhee..

    Remember no NEXT TIME hor..
