I think it been months we never step in Redbox dy...
Okie, Yesterday I went with Chin Kian, Guo Quan, Wei Ming, Mel and Shi Hooi...
Lets see what happen to the people there....

Hmm...Who Shi Hooi Is staring to? And what makes her stared?......
Hmm.... Why did Shi Hooi stare at him ah?....
Remember the post "Dog & Cat Lover Story" regarding them?
I think Shi Hooi must be suspecting him went to find other girls again :P
Okay, lets go for the next person....

Oh ya, I know dy.... There was a fish absent today! Don't be sad lar... Just go Bentung to find the fish if you are that missing him lar... :P
Okay, the two people below was enjoying their singing session. Ignoring the others including me

~ Guo Quan ~

Hmm....Did you guys discover there's a person missing there???
Its me!!!!!
Where am I?... I was too busy taking photos and creating story! Kakax.....
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