Friday, February 20, 2009

Why Girls Are Aliens

Have you guys heard about girls are very weird? Hmm.....
The following are the main reasons of why i thought that why girls are ALIENS....

1. Shoes
Many of these aliens wear astronomically altitude-altering shoes that change their presupposed height. In addition, some wear 'heels' which is nothing more than a shishkebob stick on a shoe. It is clear that they are using some gravitational floating apparatus to maintain 'walking' let alone standing.

2. Alien clothes
Two words: sleeveless turtleneck. I mean, that piece of clothing alone makes absolutely no sense. A sure fire clear sign that girls are aliens.

3. Seasonal transformation
In the summer, these aliens hypnotize us with their clean shiny legs, but ever see their yearly transformation. Next time during the winter, when you're with a girl, lift her pants legs up. BAM. You’ll notice that they transform into this Michael J Fox teen wolf monstrosity. You'd swear that you're hanging out with Robin William's arms. It's just a taste of what t I

4. Cryptic language
It’s a known fact that it only takes womanologists to fully understand what a girl is saying. they speak their own language. Ever notice that when two girls who haven't seen each other in a long time. You’ll hear a super high pitched scream. to you, you might think this is just a scream of joy, but no. It is their secret alien language. In addition, ever notice that these aliens never can ask for things directly For example, if they want your jacket, they'll say "its cold." If they want to take a walk in the park they say "its such a nice day today. like a park day." If they want ice cream they'll say "I want something cold and creamy and in a cone." It is clear that they are not from this world.

5. Money
Isn't it interesting that 99% of the time, girls do NOT have money. Well, its basically because they need to put money into their spaceships. A superhydrophonicspace capacitor is not a cheap thing to maintain which is why girls are so bad at managing their money.
In addition, if you'll ever date one you'll notice that not only will you see her with no money, you'll also notice your money slowly disappearing. That's just her taking your money to send back to her planet.

6. Alien names
Ever notice girls being attracted to certain names Next time, check out all her brand name stuff. You’ll notice weird alien names like "GUCCI" and "PRADA" and "FERRAGAMO." I mean, think about it. How would name their kid "GUCCI" or their dog "CHANEL." I know who would Aliens.

7. Metrosexuals
I'm hearing this new trend a lot these days. Men in major cities groom themselves, get their nails done, dress in brand name clothing. They're called metrosexuals- hetero men who just are a little bit more sensitive to their lifestyle. You wanna know what I call it ?
I call it Alien evangelism. That's right. Notice a lot of girls like metrosexuals and support it in their men It's their attempt to convert us human men into alien hood. Not me baby. You won't catch me using guava creme, apple flavored raspberry, extract shampoo with a loo fa

8. Love
But in the end, it’s clear that through all their little antics and their alien ways though we may never understand it, nor fully grasp it, we appreciate their ways, their hugs, and ultimately who they are.

Or maybe I just wrote that last stuff for fear of my life that they will come and brainwash me.

Source :


  1. I like this. Interesting explanation that connects girls with aliens. It's a proven fact that men are from Mars while women are from Venus. Both gender think differently, act differently and perceive differently. Girls are aliens to guys, guys are aliens to girls(although guys' minds are relatively simpler) :)

  2. I like this. Interesting explanation that connects girls with aliens. It's a proven fact that men are from Mars while women are from Venus. Both gender think differently, act differently and perceive differently. Girls are aliens to guys, guys are aliens to girls(although guys' minds are relatively simpler) :)
