Due to the progress test 1 of T8 Auditing that was held after the talk,a lot of student decided to skip the talk for last minute revision. However, me and Huei Min insist to attend the class for the talk.
It was a definite loss to those who dint attend the talk as they loss the oportunity to know what Harvest Centre is about and the courtesy to the underprivileged student.
The speaker of the talk was the Director of Harvest Centre by introducing Harvest Centre to the audience and followed up by speechs by 2 students sponsored by Harvest Centre.
The main project of Harvest Centre attracts me the most in the talk
The Faisal Cup
The centre aims to ensure that children from impoverished backgrounds have a chance to train and participate in organised sports.
Started in 2006, the Cup is named after one of the centre's students, Faisal, who drowned in a river after trying to retrieve a ball.The Cup has also gained a good following over the years, and 26 football and 11 netball teams participated in this year’s edition, up from the inaugural tournament’s three teams and 100 odd supporters.
“The purpose and vision of the Faisal Cup is more than just fun and games,” says Harvest Centre director Elisha Satvinder.
“Self-discipline, teamwork and perseverance through trials are invaluable life lessons that children learn. It’s not just sports, it’s also about nation building.”
“Self-discipline, teamwork and perseverance through trials are invaluable life lessons that children learn. It’s not just sports, it’s also about nation building.”
At the end of the talk, I decided to make a donation of RM50 to Harvest Centre. This contribution will be channeled towards provision of revision books,paper and stationary for the underprivileged children.
Below are some information about Harvest Centre...
Background of Harvest Centre
Harvest Centre Bhd. is a non-profit, private company limited by guarantee, established to help address various issues in the development of urban poor communities sch as Sentul, Kuala Lumpur. We have been involved in community work since 1998, bringing medical/health care, home improvement and food provision to underprivileged families. Since 2002, we have been focusing on providing educational programmes for urban poor children addressing learning difficulties and challenges they face.
Projects initiated by Harvest include, Montessori Pre-school Programme for Urban underprivileged, Primary and Secondary school programme, Epoch Youth Resource Centre and The Faisal Cup football/netball tournament for underprivileged children. Since 2006, Harvest has also helped start up, train teachers and provide materials for an additional 4 Preschool and Early Literacy projects in Sarawak, West Malaysia and Pengkalan Hulu, Perak. Additionally, in partnership with UNHCR, Harvest Centre trains teachers working with children from underprivileged backgrounds.
At Harvest, our aim is to bring quality education to underprivileged children and youth. We are dedicated to provide and train others to provide, a nurturing, caring, stimulating,and holistic education for every child and youth and a high quality learning environment where they will develop to their fullest potential. It is our belief that only through education will children break the cycle of poverty and negative mindsets that have imprisoned them and their families for years and become a catalyst of transformation, bringing about lasting development in their own community.

Lastly, i would like to urge all the readers and everyone to help Harvest Centre by voting for them in an online competition.
Harvest Centre, in partnership with World Vision Malaysia, has helped to start 3 preschool projects in Lawas,Sarawak for the underprivileged there.
Now Samsung' charity initiative "Samsung Hope" is hosting an online competition to donate $15000 USD to a winning charity project. The project with the most votes will win!!
To vote go to:
Select add your pledge
And choose World Vision
Vote as many times as you can and encourage your friends to do the same!!

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