Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kock Li 19th Birthday Celebration

Today post is dedicated for my dear friend ~ Kock Li in conjunction of his 19th years old birthday :) yesterday...
Well, 28th July 2009 is the day which our dear Kock Li turn into 19th years old, in other words, he grew older.
(p.s. This does not mean he grow taller ya :P Not even 1cm...Lolx...)
For a nice person like him, surely tans of friends gonna celebrate his birthday with him... Of course, surprise must not be missed out in this event.....
Let see how the organizer plan out the whole event.....
You can see one clk is parking at Utar SE block. Your right, that's not my car, it's Kock Li car...
Muk Sam and Poh Ha is in charge of decorating his car with some balloons, ribbons, wordings and so on....
We were suppose to be in Utar at around 8pm... However we only reach there late as someone preparing his birthday present and the organizers were late as well....
Not forget to mention that the present were prepared by a girl which Kock Li.....Ehem....You all know lar...:P
That night, Kock Li was having his some sort programming work shop in Utar. That's why we preparing the surprise in Utar. Due to Malaysia usual behavioral or cultural I would say, his workshop end at 9.30pm which is half an hour late than expected time. Thanks God we have more time to prepare his surprise.....
After Kock Li walking toward his car.....
We have this two security guards(Shi Hooi and Chloe) drag him to his car and wait some one appear with something :)

Tadaa.....our pretty Hui Teng came out with his birthday cake... Can you see the extremely excited face of Kock Li?....Hmm.....


Kock Li holding his birthday cakes with the almost melted candles receiving our birthday blessing (songs) ....
Happy birthday to you!!

Well, I guess most of you guys tried this before...

The birthday boy had to remove the candles by his mouth and of course a lot of friend would willing to help him by.....

This happens when you did this to others often ;)

All his kind friends are willing to exert some pressure onto his head to ensure he is able to remove the candles and catch some cream on his face xD

The celebration were continued with a presentation of video clips from most of his friend. I guess he will treasured up the video clip especially "some one" part.

Can you just see how much people there waiting him half an hour to give him surprise only?....
Touch leh Kock Li!!

This is the front part of the car decorated...
Believe it or not...
He drive out with the decoration on.....
But I guess it will act as a "wedding car'' with the bridegroom and bride maid inside :P

Can look the face of Kock Li?... It's not a sleeping face, kay?....

He is asking me go away, dun kacau him!.... Lolx...

Despite the booking at Happy 4 Seasons Restaurant at 9pm, we reached there at 10pm... Please excuse us as a Malaysian ;P

"~ Bridegroom ~ Bride maid~"

Can you imagine pair of bridegroom and bride maid stand at the entrance there welcoming the guest :)

We book the table at the winter section as I heard from my friend that it was the most got 'feeling' place. Seriously, the air-cond were damn cold and we were freezing already. Anyway, the restaurant did provide us jackets to keep warm :)

Anyway, the guy above named as JJ....Up to you to interpret as Jun Jie or Jit Jiang....Hehe....

Don't ask me why he smiling alone there...I also dunno C:

~ XiAnG ~ Kock Li ~

~ Hui Teng ~ XiAnG ~

~ Nemo ~ XiAnG ~
~ Nemo ~ Hui Teng ~
~ Kock Li ~ XiAnG ~

Someone that asked me not to post his picture here.... But sorry lar....I'm evil to be who evil to me :P

~ Dickson ~ Muk Sam ~
Here some photos of the drink and foods ordered....

Here is the group photo....
Sorry for the bad quality of the photo as the lighting environment inside doesn't allow as to capture a nice one...

We leaved the restaurant at 12am. However,the celebration does not end here....
Next station was Metroview condo, Kock Li house!!!
I brought my black label here and Chin Wee Chivas were opened for the night.
Tonight everyone were quite efficient in drinking as we finished up the Black Label and Chivas(left 2cm depth probably).....
Not to mention no people get drunk but some vomited, some get high and some even broke the black label bottle....haha....

Oh ya, some people keep asking for more liquer while she high high dy....haha...Looks so cute...

The whole celebration finished at 5am in the morning, as I'm the last one to leave their house. ( Some left early and some over night there)...
Before I end up my post.... Last 2 picture to present to Kock Li :)
~ The End ~


  1. OMG!!!

    That bdae party is so cool!!!!

    hahaha.. i wished i have such a party..

    hehe.. but im a real quiet person... i wont do something so drastic!


    U finally updated! its been ages dude...

  2. OMG!!!

    That bdae party is so cool!!!!

    hahaha.. i wished i have such a party..

    hehe.. but im a real quiet person... i wont do something so drastic!


    U finally updated! its been ages dude...

  3. Teddy...
    You? quiet person?....sure a not?...
    I'm doubt of that lor...
    Ask your ma zai celebrate for you lar....haha

  4. happy bday to the bday boy ya :)

  5. happy bday to the bday boy ya :)

  6. The restaurant looks TOTALLY amazing! :D Where is it located, yeah?

  7. The restaurant looks TOTALLY amazing! :D Where is it located, yeah?

  8. walao.. i no lie lor... i very the quiet wan.. u buli me again! hmph! hahhaa

  9. walao.. i no lie lor... i very the quiet wan.. u buli me again! hmph! hahhaa

  10. Mello...
    the restaurant is in Wangsa Maju....
    The environment is nice but food so so only...

    You quite?.. doubt doubt...
    dun cheat lar...

  11. Mello...
    the restaurant is in Wangsa Maju....
    The environment is nice but food so so only...

    You quite?.. doubt doubt...
    dun cheat lar...

  12. Kock Li's birthday is on 29th July ? Mine is on 30th ! Haha~

    Not sure you remember me or not, but if not mistaken you're known as Devin or sort...well, we went to Mel Lee's house for steamboat ! XD

  13. Kock Li's birthday is on 29th July ? Mine is on 30th ! Haha~

    Not sure you remember me or not, but if not mistaken you're known as Devin or sort...well, we went to Mel Lee's house for steamboat ! XD

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