I haven write any post since the exam ends....
Was quite busy wandering around....
After a week of busy activities, was super tiring....
Money also spent till dry dy....
Need inflow of money!!!
Yesterday alone driving back Alor Star from KL. Supposing my god brother accompany me back for the journey, manatau he ffk me, somemore throw temper on me for no reason. What the F***...
How irresponsible of him which doesnt call me personally to tell me,just uses sms and without any appologise.
He must have been never tried of I scolding people moreover I was super lack of sleep that night. Just slept for an hour for my friend birthday celebration....
However my journey does not ruled up by him, I quite enjoy alone driving as no people grumbling me of high speed or what.....I drive like 120-130 KM/Hour...
Of course i tried to avoid the speed trap by lowering down the speed on certain suspicios spot...
I used up 4 hours to reach AS minusing the time I stop by for lunch.
This wednesday gonna travel back KL dy. But this trip my mom and mom friends gonna following me back. Mommy came here for vacation and one more purpose. Haha...
Cannot say here...LOL....
I am wandering how fast i can travel that day coz my car will be loaded, therefore sure will low down my car speed.....HAha...hope can reach KL in 4 and half hours....
Looking forward the outingz lepak again....Haha...
But money Pls!!!Kakax...